Nanny paid hourly rate takes baby to the Mall to visit monuments
White House Nannies’ process and pricing is transparent. Below is information related to the typical cost associated with hiring a nanny – including nannies’ hourly rates and our agency fees.
Nanny’s hourly rates vary depending on job requirements, the number and ages of children, and the nanny’s experience. These are average market ranges we see in the DC-metro area for nannies.
A nanny’s hourly rate is negotiated directly between the nanny and family. White House Nannies does not set rates.
This service is best for families who regularly need temporary care for date nights, school closings, trips, unforeseen emergencies and mildly ill children. All of your information, including childcare preferences, past nannies, and any medical issues, is confidentially and securely stored so we can send you the best babysitter for you and your children as quickly as possible.
Registered clients pay $50/day/caregiver to the agency. Payment is handled directly between you and the babysitter at an agreed upon hourly rate.
For your convenience, a member of our staff is on call until 10 pm (except Saturdays until 7pm) to assist with your unexpected or emergency needs.
** Higher referral rates apply if you request a service after regular business hours. To avoid paying high referral rates, please call our office during regular business hours or contact us via email or our new portal. Please be advised caregivers may charge up to time and a half on major holidays.
Employers are legally required to withhold their portion of Medicare, Social Security, and Unemployment from their nanny’s wages. While not a requirement, most nannies prefer that their taxes—including state and federal—be withheld as well. We recommend Homework Solutions or GTM payroll services for help with your household tax needs. For top line information about employment laws in DC, MD, and VA, click here.